It is the Dipsites pedagogy system (DWPS) that makes Delhi Public World School different from other schools. It is an innovative effort to integrate the best ideas in education taken from all good practices in India and around the world. For instance, we borrow from the Nai Talim principles of Mahatma Gandhi whereby learning takes place by doing, where knowledge and activities are not separated from each other, and the virtuous character of the child is built to last a lifetime. We also have universal peace and tolerance, the basis of DWPS, so that every child who comes to us, leaves the school with a habit of humility making our future world a place of harmony and goodwill towards all.
We provide a limited number of scholarships annually to encourage a spirit of excellence in academic subjects as well as other accomplishments such as community spirit and camaraderie amongst peers. Our aim is to help students realise their full potential.
We closely monitor the work of our teachers and review their performance regularly through teacher appraisals to assess their knowledge and skills, their attitude and behaviour in the classroom as well as in the community. We seek regular 360 Degree feedback from our students and parents about our teachers. All staff members of the school take part in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and adequate resources are allocated to develop their skills