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Anti Bullying Policy

Anti Bullying Policy

Delhi World Public Schools have a zero tolerance policy to bullying of any form whether direct or indirect. Any observed or reported form of bullying is investigated and appropriate measures are taken to ensure it does not recur


  • DWF Management is responsible for ensuring a clear anti bullying policy is in place in schools
  • Principals are responsible for the implementation of the Anti Bullying policy and for using the guidelines provided to draw up clear and unambiguous procedures for dealing with all incidents of bullying
  • School staff is responsible for ensuring the policy and procedures are followed in school and that all incidents of reported or observed bullying are dealt with promptly.

The Code: It's Ok To Tell

We will ensure that children know who to tell. This could be a class teacher, any member of staff in whom they have confidence, the Principal or the Nurse. The children know that all staff will take incidents seriously.

How To Deal With An Incident Of Bullying

Each case is different, but the strategy outlined below is a useful way for tackling the problem and can be used by all members of staff.

The bully must be left in no doubt that bullying is unacceptable and that this conduct will be systematically monitored. As a general principle, however, it is best to avoid confrontation and harsh punishment, as aggression breeds aggression and the bully is likely to become more vindictive.

Perpetrators of incidents are most likely to change their behaviour when they are helped to see things from the victim's perspective and to feel social pressure from their peers rather than righteous indignation from adults. In this way, the culprits begin to realise that the group opinion is against them.

Stage 1 - Getting The Facts Straight

If there is more than one perpetrator, interview each individually to get the facts straight. Witnesses/ bystanders should also be interviewed, then the victim.

With perpetrator, begin "I would like to talk to you because I've heard you've been unkind to X..... What do you know about it?"

Accept no excuses, e.g. "I was only just playing /teasing...." Your response might be: "Did the victim enjoy it?"

Similarly, do not accept attempts to excuse the bullying by blaming the victim. "What did you do wrong?" leaves less room for endless argument.

However, try to avoid a confrontational approach and instead seek sensitively to reinforce any responses which reveal some concern for the victim.

Consider asking the child to write down what happened.

Stage 2 (After, Say, 20 Minutes) - Making Amends

"OK - we've talked about this long enough.... What do you suggest we do now to help X? What can we do to put things right?"

The idea is not so much to punish the bully, but to encourage the culprit to carry out some corrective action to improve relationships.

Consider ways in which the bully can be encouraged to see things from the victim's point of view, e.g.:

  • Getting the bully to write a story about bullying from the victim's point of view
  • Group discussions with all involved to explore victim's and bystanders' feelings
  • Decisions to work towards making amends could include:
  • Apologizing to victim (in writing?)
  • Listing the behaviour which needs changing, in order of priority
  • Making a contract not to engage in this behaviour again (NB: ensure the victim's agreement)
  • Asking other people to monitor the situation and report any breaches of contract
  • "OK, that's good. We'll meet again in a week and you can tell me how you've been getting on."

Stage 3 - Following Up Initial Interview

See perpetrator(s) and victim again a week later. Consider whether to see them separately or together as a group. If the problem still remains, it may be necessary to keep repeating "What shall we do? What do you suggest?" Make arrangements for further monitoring and further meetings, as appropriate.

Stage 4

Incidents of bullying and the actions taken are recorded in the log book in the Principal's PA's office. Staff must see the Principal to inform him of the situation before entries are made.

The Principal will be brought in if the bullying is very serious. He will decide whether to involve parents and inform them of the school strategy for dealing with the problem. Members of staff must always discuss incidents with the Principal and not approach parents themselves.

Supporting The Victim

The victim is often a child who lacks confidence. Certainly the child's confidence will be damaged by the bullying.

Children need to know that staff will listen and will take reported incidents seriously. The staff will help the victim to make friends by pairing with another child in the group who can draw the victim into activities. The staff will help other children to value the victim so the victim's confidence will develop.

Combat Bullying In The Longer Term

The school will combat bullying in the long term by:

  1. Raising awareness of the problem and discussing with children an agreed list of unacceptable behaviour (all the evidence shows that raising awareness reduces, not increases, bullying).
  2. Promoting pro-social behaviour. Both (a) and (b) can be discussed in group sessions on a regular basis, or dealt with whenever an opportunity presents itself in normal class teaching time.
  3. Developing preventive strategies. When children are unoccupied bullying is most likely to occur.
  4. Promoting strategies to protect and support the victims.
  5. Dealing effectively with incidents
  6. Regularly review the Anti-Bullying Policy.
  7. Providing information and training for all members of staff to prevent bullying, manage incidents and create and maintain a culture of mutual respect free from bullying behaviour.